Choosing the Right Sod Supplier Professional
When it comes to a sod supplier in Florida, not all providers are equal. You’ll need to carefully consider your options to choose the best one to meet your needs. In addition to your budget, you’ll also need to evaluate the company to ensure you choose a reputable company with high-quality products. Other considerations include the types of sod available, additional services offered, ongoing support, and more.
Read on for several key questions you’ll need to ask yourself when selecting a quality sod supplier.
Is the Sod Supplier Insured?
Although it is unlikely that any emergencies will arise during sod installation, it is still essential to protect yourself. A reputable sod company should be insured in case anything goes wrong. A sod company’s insurance protects not just you and your property but any workers involved in the process as well. If a company is cagey about providing you with their insurance details, you may take your business elsewhere.
How Long Has the Company Been in Business?
This question will help you gauge the experience level of the sod provider. The longer the organization has been operating, the more it says about the quality of its products and artistry. A shorter history is a good thing, as newer companies can still provide excellent products and services, but a longer timeline is a testament to ongoing quality work. For simple, straightforward installations, tons of experience is optional. However, if your yard has complex terrain, a company with more experience will likely be better able to serve you.
Where Does the Quality Sod Come From?
Some sod companies grow their sod, while others source it from other growers. While it doesn’t matter who does the actual growing, as long as the quality is good, sod companies who manage their sod growth tend to be more intimately familiar with their products and can answer your questions thoroughly.
One important thing to be aware of, though, is the location of the growing site. Because you want to plant a lawn in Florida, you’ll want to ensure the grass type you choose can grow well in the local climate. If sod comes from out of state, it may not be adapted to the needs of Florida yards, which can make it more difficult for your new lawn to thrive. Not only that, but sod can begin to dry out the farther it has to travel to get to your yard, putting up another roadblock to successful sod establishment.
What Other Professional Services Are Provided?
While some sod companies also provide installation services, this isn’t always the case. Others may contract out to various partners for installation services, while still others simply deliver the sod and expect you to arrange the installation yourself. Be sure to find out what you are dealing with to know what to expect. If a sod company works with outside contractors for installation, be sure to research the installation companies as well.
How Will the Process Look Going Forward?
Before you buy any sod, you should always arrange for a consultation with your sod provider to discuss your needs more thoroughly. This will give your sod experts a chance to evaluate the conditions in your yard so that they can make suitable recommendations as to which sod type will be best for your needs. They should also be forthcoming about the next steps to keep you informed as the process progresses.
Are There Any Ongoing Services?
You may run into questions regarding your sod at some point in the future, and you don’t want your sod company to disappear on you. Please ask about the process of getting any help and support you might need later. A reputable professional company should be more than happy to work with you to give you the best chance of establishing your lawn successfully.
Get Started with Sod Supplier Duda Sod
We are proud to be one of Florida’s quality premier sod companies.
We offer high-quality sod that is tailored to the Florida environment, and we can arrange installation for you. Reach out to our team today to learn more.